Patrick Curran
Pat, an industrial film maker for the Coca-Cola Company, earned his master’s degrees in English literature and Organizational Design.
After serving four years in the US Navy as an Explosive Ordnance Diver, including a year as a Team Leader in Vietnam, Pat moved on to join ranks with the Coca-Cola Company. At Coca-Cola, Pat helped create in house films and served as an internal consultant in eastern and northern Europe.
Pat’s first book is based on his organizational design work in 25 countries. This text on transformational change is entitled: Cobra SM: The X Factor In Strategy Execution. It has been widely used in the International Beverage Industry.
After retiring, Pat wrote a second book, a novel on the uranium boom on the Colorado Plateau. This book is titled: Acid Reign: And the Rise of the Eco-Outlaws
Pat and his wife now share their time between Atlanta and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Pat recently completed his second novel entitled: Alta’s Curse
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with comments or questions about book orders.
Pat can be reached at:

Pat and his son in northern Colorado.